Bragi Ásgeirsson 1931-2016
Bragi Ásgeirsson studied at the Icelandic College of Arts and Crafts 1947–1950, at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen 1950–52 and 1955–56 (printmaking), at the National Academy of Arts and Kunstindustrien Skole both in Oslo, 1952–53. He studied in Rome and Florence 1953–54, then went to the Munich Academy of Fine Arts 1958–60. While practising his own art, Bragi also taught for many years at the Icelandic College of Arts and Crafts, and was art critic of daily Morgunblaðið. He travelled widely, and wrote in the press about his visual experiences. He was one of the founders of the Society of Painters (1982); together with his fellow-members he sought to strengthen the foundations of painting. Bragi‘s contribution to art was recognised in various ways: in 2001 he was, for instance, awarded the Knight’s Cross of the Icelandic Order of the Falcon. From Bragi’s first solo show at Listamannaskálinn in Reykjavík in 1955, when abstract art was in its heyday in Iceland, his life was focussed on painting – both abstract and figurative – as well as printmaking, in which his talents were evident. Lyrical abstract works, and paintings in the genre of Pop Art, incorporating objets[AY1] trouvés, establish a special place for Bragi in Icelandic art.
[AY1]Ath. objets ekki objects eins og í íslenskunni