Welcome to the opening of the exhibition Looking Inward, Looking Outward: 140 Years of the National Gallery of Iceland!


The 140th anniversary of the founding of the National Gallery of Iceland is marked by a new exhibition: Looking Inward, Looking Outward: 140 Years of the National Gallery of Iceland. The exhibition highlights important acquisitions from the collection by nearly 100 artists, including significant gifts to the museum and important purchase.

The exhibition is organized around four main themes: Society and Community; Picturing the Self and Others; Form, Line and Colour; and Humans and Nature. Certain works of art look outwards – at the country, the artist’s immediate surroundings, society, or the world as a whole – and tend to provide a vision that gives rise to self-realisation for individuals and society. Other works of art look inward, exploring the self, history or cultural heritage, also open an outward view – a broader perspective on the world.


Treasures of Icelandic Art

The museum is open every day from 10am - 5pm.