
Collective Exhibition

5.7.2020 — 10.1.2021

National Gallery of Iceland

Solastalgia is an immersive installation by an internationally recognized transdisciplinary artistic team, mixing augmented reality (AR) with contemporary art, multisensorial effects and cutting edge sound design. 



5.7.2020 10.1.2021


Pierre-Alain Giraud

Antoine Viviani

Set design

Gabríela Friðriksdóttir

Music and sound

Nicolas Becker

Valgeir Sigurðsson


Erna Ómarsdóttir

An immersive installation by Antoine Viviani and Pierre-Alain Giraud.

Visitors from a mysterious future are invited to don AR headsets and enter a 250 sq m installation to explore a post-human earth where only a mysterious digital cloud has survived, powered by a strange machine. As they move through a planet colonized by lichen, debris, ruins and fossils, human ghosts appear and surround them, acting out the joyful, profound and cruel moments of life for all eternity.

Our faith in progress through technology has never been greater. We spend our lives connected to the network, but our radiant, digital future seems compromised, with humanity about to undergo an unprecedented crisis.

An unbalanced climate and the decline of living beings prompt a reflection on the fragile nature of our civilization. An experience that pushes artistic and philosophical boundaries, Solastalgia is a meditation on this tension between the potentially redemptive power of technology and the scientific forecast of a compromised future.

The installation can be visited by 10 people at one time and lasts around thirty minutes. Age limit: 13.

5.2.2021 — 9.1.2022

Treasures of Icelandic Art

The museum is open every day from 10am - 5pm.